Boolean syntax and operators

1. Exact match

All keywords are considered "exact match" by default, so you do not have to add the " " operator to your keywords.

2. Minus keywords

In addition to global excluded keywords, you can specify all your keywords by adding a hyphen (-) before the keyword: "-excluded keyword"

Syntax Example

mentionmind -free - will search for mentions containing the keyword "mentionmind" BUT DO NOT include the word "free"

3. AND operator - &

The AND operator means you are searching for documents that contain BOTH keywords (e.g., apple & sweetness). Mentions that include only "apple" or only "sweetness" will not be shown.

Syntax Example

apple & sweetness

4. OR operator - |

The OR operator means you are searching for documents that contain either of the keywords. You must add parentheses before and after the keywords.

Syntax Example


5. Closeness of keywords to each other - /3: or /!3:

With this operator means that mentionmind will search only the documents where keywords appear within n words away from each other.

Syntax Example

/3:vendors;opportunityIn this example, Mentionmind will show mentions only if the word "opportunity" appears within 3 words after the keyword "vendors."

/!3:vendors;opportunity In this example, Mentionmind will show mentions only if the word "opportunity" appears ANY number of words after the keyword "vendors" EXCEPT exactly 3 words.

6. URL filter - url:

This operator allows you to filter specific pages or websites. Use this operator ONLY IN THE EXCLUDED KEYWORDS FIELD.

Syntax Example

url:boolean/index In this case, Mentionmind WILL SKIP ALL pages if their URL INCLUDES "boolean/index" at ANY position.

7. MIX operators

You can mix all operators to get the most accurate results.

Syntax Examples:

(apple|sweetness) & (buy|purchase) - In this case, you will get mentions that include the words "apple" OR "sweetness" AND the words "buy" OR "purchase"

(buy|such as apples) - free -  In this case, you will get mentions that includes the words "buy" OR "such as apples" BUT NOT includes word "free"

(apple|sweetness) & (buy|purchase) -forgetting - In this case, you will get mentions that include the words "apple" OR "sweetness" AND the words "buy" OR "purchase" BUT DO NOT include the word "forgetting"

(apple|sweetness) & (buy|purchase) & /3:opportunity;vendors - In this case, you will get mentions that include the words "apple" OR "sweetness" AND the words "buy" OR "purchase" AND the words "opportunity" and "vendors" that appear within 3 words of one another