API - Projects

API gateway


Required GET fields 

token - Your API session token. Learn how to log in and obtain your session token

func - The API function you wish to call

For guidance on how to use the Mentionmind API, refer to our API usage example article 


1. getProject

get project data




  • (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
  • (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)

2. editProject

edit project settings




  • (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
  • (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)
  • (POST) name (string, required): The new name of the project (1 to 100 characters)
  • (POST) type (string, required): You can use one of these types - "backlinks", "brandMonitoring", "competitiveMonitoring", "topicMonitoring", "leadsSalesOpportunities", "startup"
  • (POST) language (string, required): Comma-separated language codes, or "all" for all languages. List of supported languages
  • (POST) source (string, required): Comma-separated sources. Available values - "twitter", "linkedin", "social", "youtube", "reddit", "web", "blogs"
  • (POST) location (string, required): Comma-separated location codes, or "all" for all locations. List of supported locations
  • (POST) email_notification (int, required): 1 or 0
  • (POST) browser_notification (int, required): 1 or 0

    // For "backlinks" project type
  • (POST) backlinks_url (string, optional): Website domain. For example, mentionmind.com  (1 to 255 characters)

    // For "brandMonitoring" project type
  • (POST) brand_url (string, optional): Website domain. For example, mentionmind.com  (1 to 255 characters)
  • (POST) brand_name (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) brand_excluded_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)

    // For "competitiveMonitoring" project type
  • (POST) competitor_url (string, optional): Website domain. For example, mentionmind.com  (1 to 255 characters)
  • (POST) competitior_name (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) competitior_excluded_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)

    // For "topicMonitoring" project type
  • (POST) topic_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) topic_excluded_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)

    // For "leadsSalesOpportunities" project type
  • (POST) sales_product_description (string, optional): Short product/service description
  • (POST) sales_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) sales_competitors (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) sales_excluded_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)

    // For "sturtup" project type
  • (POST) startup_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) startup_product_description (string, optional): Short product/service description
  • (POST) startup_competitors (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) startup_excluded_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)

3. addProject

create new project




  • (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
  • (POST) name (string, required): The new name of the project (1 to 100 characters)
  • (POST) type (string, required): You can use one of these types - "backlinks", "brandMonitoring", "competitiveMonitoring", "topicMonitoring", "leadsSalesOpportunities", "startup"
  • (POST) language (string, required): Comma-separated language codes, or "all" for all languages
  • (POST) source (string, required): Comma-separated sources. Available values - "twitter", "linkedin", "social", "youtube", "reddit", "web", "blogs"
  • (POST) location (string, required): Comma-separated location codes, or "all" for all languages
  • (POST) email_notification (int, required): 1 or 0
  • (POST) browser_notification (int, required): 1 or 0

    // For "backlinks" project type
  • (POST) backlinks_url (string, optional): Website domain. For example, mentionmind.com  (1 to 255 characters)

    // For "brandMonitoring" project type
  • (POST) brand_url (string, optional): Website domain. For example, mentionmind.com  (1 to 255 characters)
  • (POST) brand_name (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) brand_excluded_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)

    // For "competitiveMonitoring" project type
  • (POST) competitor_url (string, optional): Website domain. For example, mentionmind.com  (1 to 255 characters)
  • (POST) competitior_name (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) competitior_excluded_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)

    // For "topicMonitoring" project type
  • (POST) topic_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) topic_excluded_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)

    // For "leadsSalesOpportunities" project type
  • (POST) sales_product_description (string, optional): Short product/service description
  • (POST) sales_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) sales_competitors (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) sales_excluded_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)

    // For "sturtup" project type
  • (POST) startup_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) startup_product_description (string, optional): Short product/service description
  • (POST) startup_competitors (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)
  • (POST) startup_excluded_keywords (string, optional): List of keywords. One per line ("\n" separator)

4. listProjects

get a list of all projects in the account


  • (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token

5. removeProject

delete project




  • (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
  • (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)

6. getProjectData

get project statistics 




  • (GET) token (int, required): Your API session token.
  • (GET) project_id (int, required): The ID of the project you want to retrieve information for (You can obtain the project ID by making a call to the 'listProjects' function or by finding it in the project details URL)